Sunday, January 5, 2025

Forget. Pain.

Did one of y'all send this to me?

If so, thank you.  It's possible I ordered it and just forgot, of course.  Either way, I am very glad it's here, and find it interesting that the cow and donkey are giving side eye to Baby Jesus.

Briton called me this afternoon --- I haven't spoken to him since Christmas, maybe?  I do know that he hasn't checked on me since I told him and Hannah about Maddie.  (Haven't heard from her, either.)  Did he ask how I was doing?  Did he ask anything about what happened?  No, he did not.  It should have ripped the wound of her death open wider, but it just started a new pain.  Did I not raise caring people?  The dam holding back any uncried tears from the week has been crushed.


Araignee said...

You had me laughing with the side eye. Sorry to hear you children are not being as responsive as they should in this difficult time for you. Adult children can be so thoughtless. Sadly, I know this from experience.

Delighted Hands said...

I have one son who would think if he doesn't mention it, he won't make me cry. My other son would get it right out there to talk about--EVERYONE handles grief differently. He did call at least. I think next time you could bring it up and talk about it if you want to. (Speaking with the utmost care and sympathy for you!)

Kim in Oregon said...

Big sigh. I'm sorry about this but have no words of wisdom (again). This also is not from me LOL.

Kim in Oregon said...

PS--I just found a cross stitch designer who does lot of three d cross stitch stuff. I wonder if she has a nativity? ------time passes---just checked and it does not seem that she does. But she has nice stuff the next time you are on the hunt.

Bridget said...

Oh, Kim - I was out of it for a while, and am just now catching up on things. I am so so very sorry about sweet Madeleine. I know only so well what you are feeling and experiencing, and please know I am with you in your soul. And I'm also glad to know that Madeleine had a wonderful welcoming committee waiting for her.

I'm also sorry that your kids haven't said more. Sometimes you can't figure out why people do or don't do things. Please know I'm here for anything. God bless everyone at your house, and sweet Madeleine. xoxo

Posted Later Than Written

 No rain, no headache.  In fact, Tap and I just enjoyed an ice cream sandwich on the front porch.  It's a nice, sunny day. For TNT: If y...