Sunday, July 31, 2022

Bill Russell

You know your heroes can't live forever, but it still breaks your heart when they go.


Thursday, July 28, 2022


Figuring out the placement of my quilt squares.  This is a dry run:

A Trap shawl.  Whoever invented self-striping yarn is a supreme genius.


I'm also reading a biography of Hermann Rorshach.

Playing online WordWars, in the last week, I've had these tiles.  I promise --- this is just how they landed:

Wednesday, July 27, 2022

This List Brought to You By the Shape Circle

 A sort-of-recently finished jigsaw puzzle:

I moved it into a side table in the den so it could lay flat while I decided what exactly to do with.  Honestly?  I kind of like it there.  It's like a doily, but of unusual size.

And another sort-of-recently thing:

A BLT with non-meat bacon.  Once I got past it looking like artisan soap. . .  It tasted pretty good.

Wednesday, July 20, 2022

Again With the Random

Do you have a needle size sweet spot?  I like working with 5s and 6s.  2s are fun occasionally.  Double-digit ones aren't favorites, but they sure get you to the finish quickly.

Ted Cruz knows Elmo's a puppet, right?    He's picked a fight with a puppet.  Also, good on the NRA Children's Museum for making its exhibit easily accessible to Ted: driving to his home.

Well, this was inevitable.  And the UGA students aren't even back in town yet.

Would you rather be "hip" or "cool"?

Do you think Jesus was a cute baby?  'Cause let's be honest: not all babies are cute.

The thing about mislaying something is that as you re-trace your steps hoping to find it, you find out how truly boring your life is.

I've said this before, but I'm watching a movie with him in it and am reminded that John Hurt had surprisingly big hands.

If he becomes one, my son will be an excellent parent.  He already has the child-using-you-as-furniture part down.


Did you know Dolly has a line of cake fixings?
We live in wondrous times.

Monday, July 18, 2022

Seven Entries

It seemed sort of weird to use a number generator when there are only seven entries, but that's what I said I'd do, so. . . 

The winner is Meredith!   She left the very first response!  Thanks to the others of you who got involved --- I truly appreciate it.  Meredith, if you'll e-mail me your address, I'll put together your prize package and send it on its way.

Wednesday, July 13, 2022

No, Really --- You Might Win Some Stuff

If you enter my "2000 Contest," you could win.  I have things for knitters and non-knitters.  Just let me know what you would like 2000 of.  (Except dollars.  No dollars.)  Leave your answer in any of the comments sections since the contest was announced.

I'm really itching to cast a new project on, but can't come to a decision on what it should be.  I may just go with washcloths / kitchen towels because I have so much yet.

Monday, July 11, 2022

2000 and 1

What would I like to have 2000 of?  Square feet in a house on a beach.

As for the 1:

I've decided to start my cotton quilt from the center, instead of making rows back and forth.  I'll get Rick-rack edges.  I think.  I hope.

Saturday, July 9, 2022

That Contest I Told You About

 See, I didn't forget.

~~~ The 2000 Contest ~~~

Eleven posts ago, I wrote my 2000th post.  In acknowledgment of that feat, here's what you can do to win some prizes:

If you could have 2000 of anything, what would it be?

Now, I'm ruling out "dollars" right away.  Anything else, though, is fair game.  I will choose the winner using a random number generator, having numbered your posts as they come in.  You have one week to respond with your answer in the Comments section.

I do ask that you, if you would, tell others about the contest.  I'm also going to need you to do that when Knitters' Companion comes around.  Since I've left Facebook, I can't reach as many people to be entrants.

Give all this some thought, will ya?  I'll give you my answer to the question next time.

Friday, July 8, 2022

Contest Specs Tomorrow

 Still feeling urpy.  Keeping more down, though only little bits of things.  I'm sort of longing for ginger ale.  May have  to place an Instacart order.

Without going into a lot of detail, Tap's also having GI issues.  Fun times at Chez Dean.

After Hannah's brush with COVID, Briton's had two in two weeks: a co-worker and one of his fellow podcasters both tested positive.  It's still out there, folks.  Act accordingly.

Wednesday, July 6, 2022


My children's pediatrician was amazing.    I adored her.  One of the most helpful things she ever said to me was that children "bounce more than they break."  This came in handy when Briton hurled himself and his Kanga-Rocka-Roo off my parents' kitchen table while I was fixing us some lunch.  Granted, I was hysterical  for a bit before I remembered what she had said, but still. . .

One of the things she once told me that I have used ever since was how to treat stomach troubles: with the BRAT diet.  That's [B]ananas, [R]ice, [A]pplesauce, [T]oast.  Thankfully, when I started throwing up last night, I realized I had all four.  So it's been little bits of them today.  Most have stayed down.


Friday, July 1, 2022

Just for Funsies

Time to change the blog's theme again.  I need to feel like I've accomplished something today.

The drags on my heart and mind remain.  Like Twinnie, I'm trying to keep my little hands busy so as not to plant myself in despair.  Ergo, some random thoughts. 

I'm reading a book about the origins of forensic science, because of course I am.  A discussion of how early scientists developed tests to identify "bodily fluids" (the euphemism to almost end all euphemisms) included the phrase "detached sperm heads."  That tickles me, and I hope to be able to work it into conversation(s) one day.

In the same book is the statement "One can only see what the mind already knows."  I love that, because, as I've said privately, publicly, and in the classroom, "Perception is reality."

If Instagram is the metric, mine is the only dog that doesn't like watermelon.

Then again, I don't like watermelon.  Maybe he's being selfless so I won't feel awkward.

Thursday Stuff

 If y'all want to waste, oh, I don't know, an entire afternoon, start watching airport arrests videos on YouTube.  I will warn you: ...