Tuesday, November 21, 2023

Yes, Another One of These Posts

What can I say?  I have, and save up, peculiar ideas sometimes.  So:

Is the chase itself wild, or are you chasing a wild goose?

Why is "jedi" an acceptable Scrabble word, but "jawa" isn't?

Why on Earth would anyone ever swing a dead cat?  And, even if the need arises, are cats the only swingable animals?

Which brings me to skinning a cat.  Again, number one, why are you looking to skin a cat, and, number two, why would you need more than one way to do it?

In England, a criminal line-up is called an "identity parade."  Which makes it sound kind of festive!

Everyone has their whole life/ the rest of their life ahead of them.  How do you not?   Stop hooking that only on to young people.

I mentioned the first rodeo thing a few posts ago.  Why a rodeo?  Why not  "It's not my first scuba dive," or "It's not my first time buying a pair of shoes"?

One of my cannot-deal-with-it things is people in tv or movies pretending to drink from obviously empty cups and glasses.  Seriously --- I get unreasonably ticked off.

Someone must have seen a really cute button to come up with that saying.  In my experience, most buttons don't reach that threshold.  (Same for bugs, with ladybugs as an exception.)

Why aren't there lights in freezers?

Did you ever make mud pies when you were little?  I remember doing it one time.

Do you consider names words?  I'm torn on this.

When did Swiss Colony start selling clothes?


Lorette said...

Some of those are pretty wacky! I have one that I’ve never been able to figure out the origin of: “The whole nine yards”.

Kim in Oregon said...

WAit, Swiss Colony sells clothes?
Our freezer has a light too.

kmkat said...

Many things to ponder here. Wait, Swiss Colony sells clothes?! Things like lederhosen?


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...