What can I say? I have, and save up, peculiar ideas sometimes. So:
Is the chase itself wild, or are you chasing a wild goose?
Why is "jedi" an acceptable Scrabble word, but "jawa" isn't?
Why on Earth would anyone ever swing a dead cat? And, even if the need arises, are cats the only swingable animals?
Which brings me to skinning a cat. Again, number one, why are you looking to skin a cat, and, number two, why would you need more than one way to do it?
In England, a criminal line-up is called an "identity parade." Which makes it sound kind of festive!
Everyone has their whole life/ the rest of their life ahead of them. How do you not? Stop hooking that only on to young people.
I mentioned the first rodeo thing a few posts ago. Why a rodeo? Why not "It's not my first scuba dive," or "It's not my first time buying a pair of shoes"?
One of my cannot-deal-with-it things is people in tv or movies pretending to drink from obviously empty cups and glasses. Seriously --- I get unreasonably ticked off.
Some of those are pretty wacky! I have one that I’ve never been able to figure out the origin of: “The whole nine yards”.
WAit, Swiss Colony sells clothes?
Our freezer has a light too.
Many things to ponder here. Wait, Swiss Colony sells clothes?! Things like lederhosen?
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