
Showing posts from May, 2023

It May Be Really Simple

 But I really like this one:

Me, Too!

I have a Tiny Needle Tuesday thing! Kind of obvious what it is, huh?  I had a friend in middle/high school who drew horses all the time, and she always started with the big, round jaw.  Whether she was drawing the head or the whole body, she started with the jaw.  It's one of Nature's great shapes.

Twinnie Might Recognize Something Here

Behold a recently finished project: Title: "This is a Woman Holding a Chicken." Hey, art can be obvious.

Just a Couple of Stray Thoughts

I think the phrase "I wouldn't wish it on my worst enemy" should be retired.  I think it's untrue.  If something bad happens to you, and you could shove it off to someone else, it seems to me your worst enemy would be high on your choice list.  C'mon. Also, "The enemy of my enemy is my friend"?  Maybe.  Maybe not.


Today, I got the smoothie I had planned to get myself on Mother's Day: Mountain Man Crunch, if you enjoy details. Then, Michaels had to have known I was coming by.  Bags of feathers on clearance. Please notice that each bag weighs 2.12 ounces, and note the number next to that weight: "60."  That all reads out to my birthday: 2/12/60. Crazy, huh? Then, the library, for a quick visit with Briton, and to look through collage and painting books.  And to wonder if Mr. Dewey saw this coming when he came up with his decimal system: Vaginas and horses.  Oh - kay. . .

Tiny Needle Tuesday

That's it.  That's the extent of my needlework today: finding the center of my fabric.  I am going to make progress, promise, as Fiddler's cloth is my favorite.   Stay tuned.

This May Be All We Need Today


I Go Girly

 It was inevitable, one supposes, that I would wind up making a flouncy pink collage: It will share a name with this post. In other girly news, She's doing well, and Hannah reports that she is SASSY. (All-caps hers.)


 Y'all --- I don't even know if this counts as a collage, but this is my favorite thing I've glued together so far: Granted, I only put the buttons and the blanket and the cat in place, but this makes me very happy.  

Just Curious

Well, I've watched maybe half a dozen police chases now, and here's a question: Why would someone steal an ambulance or police car or fire vehicle?  I realize that I --- having never plotted to steal an emergency vehicle 🤔 --- do not think like those who have.  Still, why?  No doubt they'd be great for getaways.  People aren't going to know that's not a "legitimate" vehicle, and will likely act accordingly.  And let's say you've gotten away with the pilfer. . .  What are you going to do then?   "Honey, why's there a ladder truck in the driveway?" "Oh. . .  Yeah. .   I, uh. . . I changed jobs.  I thought I told you."


Not Tiny Needle Tuesday, rather, Tiny Kitten Tuesday. Hannah found her in the drive-thru lane at Chick-fil-A.  In the drive-thru lane.  Personally, my heart hurts thinking about that.  Hannah got her to the vet, who said she's very healthy and 3 weeks old.  The vet also guessed that she's mostly, if not all, Siamese. For right now, she's cuddled up in a box in Hannah's bathroom, being fed by dropper every couple of hours.  Of all the people who could have found her, she's so lucky it was big-hearted, especially where animals are concerned, Hannah.

*no title*

 This is my first "all over" collage: I'm still working on whether I'm pleased or not.  It's my not liking to cover up things I like chewing at me.   This started with the photo of the three bottles, which is a true favorite.  The plants and ship at the bottom of the brown one turned out well.  The white border around the kitten should have been trimmed, but I do like the climbing up the bottle, boosting up one foot on the brown bottle.  The tops of both the taller bottles are good, I think. It is of yet untitled.  I'm big on titling stuff.  Stay tuned, I guess?


 The last two days, I've been making what I'm calling "hybrids."  There may be another term --- you know how jargon-filled crafts are.  Anyway, take one random image and glue it to another random image, and, you have a hybrid.  My favorite in theory is the butterfly/steer skull.  The best in terms of ideal fit is the housewife head/Civil War torso.  There are five Civil War guys on the left;  the owl is Ulysses Grant. (No true need for the "S" --- how many Ulysses Grants do you have to differentiate among?) I may be getting a blister on my right index finger from cutting so many things.  May be.  Still love it, though.

No Pictures

Beginning to cross my mind is how to store my collage stuff.  Twinnie has sent me so much, and because I am  me, I've bought enough that things are becoming cumbersome.  Right now, I'm keeping all the things I've cut out in legal envelopes, sorted by color.  This is no doubt a subconscious indicator of my approach to this: color first, theme, and other guides,* second. I'm still knitting, I promise.  If my phone battery weren't dead, I take and show you photos of my still-in-progress Wingspan and a newly cast-on hat.

Signs of Aging

Collaging has shown me that I am a bad gluer.  This pains me more than it should. On gluing, how many of you recognize this? You had to slice open that rubber top, and after the very first use, there'd be a dried mucilage crust there that made ever using it again next to impossible.  I remember how that crust felt and how the glue smelled. Asking if you remember is edging us into "Do you remember mimeographs" and "Do you remember paper drinking straws" territory. Milk breaks in kindergarten, people.  Three cents for a half-pint of milk, and graham crackers were free, I guess?  The milk was 3 cents --- that I remember vividly.   Elementary school lunches, by the way, were 35 cents.  Daddy would leave a quarter and a dime out for me every night. While I'm old personing --- how is every pair of scissors in this house dull?  Every.  Pair. And where are my glasses?