Saturday, May 6, 2023


 The last two days, I've been making what I'm calling "hybrids."  There may be another term --- you know how jargon-filled crafts are.  Anyway, take one random image and glue it to another random image, and,

you have a hybrid.  My favorite in theory is the butterfly/steer skull.  The best in terms of ideal fit is the housewife head/Civil War torso.  There are five Civil War guys on the left;  the owl is Ulysses Grant. (No true need for the "S" --- how many Ulysses Grants do you have to differentiate among?)

I may be getting a blister on my right index finger from cutting so many things.  May be.  Still love it, though.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

I call these BRILLIANT!

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