Thursday, May 4, 2023

No Pictures

Beginning to cross my mind is how to store my collage stuff.  Twinnie has sent me so much, and because I am me, I've bought enough that things are becoming cumbersome.  Right now, I'm keeping all the things I've cut out in legal envelopes, sorted by color.  This is no doubt a subconscious indicator of my approach to this: color first, theme, and other guides,* second.

I'm still knitting, I promise.  If my phone battery weren't dead, I take and show you photos of my still-in-progress Wingspan and a newly cast-on hat.

1 comment:

Kim in Oregon said...

I keep an eye out for sales/coupons for clear plastic storage bins from Michaels/Joann's etcetera.
But you be you Twinnie!


Still raining.  Still headache-y.  You know the drill. I'm finding myself kind of bored with my current craft projects.  This leads, as ...