Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Am I the Only One

. . . who can't cast on onto circular needles?  I cast on onto straights and knit the stitches onto the circulars.

. . . who had never heard the phrase "close the stitches" used instead of "cast off"?  Frankly, I like it more.

. . .  who won't order Instacart or DoorDash (or Bulldawg Food here) if it's cold or rainy or "too" late?  (Growing up, I refused to go out to eat on Thanksgiving.  I thought it was unfair that the resataurant folks had to work.  My mother brought this up a LOT.  It was probably her favorite "Remember when. . ." story about me.)

. . .  who didn't know that ostrich skin upholstery is available in cars?  Daddy would have snapped that right up.

. . .  who can never (EVER) tear the boxes with microwave crisping foils correctly?

. . .  who  explains a blog post by saying, "I can't get this song out of my head"?


Kim in Oregon said...

Needles: probably not.
Close the stitches: definitely not (I never heard of it either)
Instacart/doordash: you are a nice person, but many of these drivers are trying to make a living-ish and probably understand that is part of the job. Meaning I would order a delivery as long as it was within the restaurant's delivery window myself.
Ostrich skin: did not know but I'm kind of squiggy about it now that I know it.
Microwave: probably not but I am unsure.
That last one? I'm pretty sure it's just you twinnie.

kmkat said...

Needles: I think that may be just you.
Close the stitches: nope, never heard that one.
Door Dash, etc., are not available here in the Great Frozen Tundra.
Ostrich skin upholstery: nope, but I remember when eelskin was a thing. I had a wallet and a purse.
Tear strips: the ones on cardboard boxes (frozen pizza, cereal, whatever) never, ever rip properly for more than the first inch or two.
Song: oops, I did a series of posts about my current earworms.


Did you ever get through with everything you had to do for a while, and it was an almost physical relief that your time is now free?  That...