Wednesday, February 1, 2023

Am I the Only One

. . . who can't cast on onto circular needles?  I cast on onto straights and knit the stitches onto the circulars.

. . . who had never heard the phrase "close the stitches" used instead of "cast off"?  Frankly, I like it more.

. . .  who won't order Instacart or DoorDash (or Bulldawg Food here) if it's cold or rainy or "too" late?  (Growing up, I refused to go out to eat on Thanksgiving.  I thought it was unfair that the resataurant folks had to work.  My mother brought this up a LOT.  It was probably her favorite "Remember when. . ." story about me.)

. . .  who didn't know that ostrich skin upholstery is available in cars?  Daddy would have snapped that right up.

. . .  who can never (EVER) tear the boxes with microwave crisping foils correctly?

. . .  who  explains a blog post by saying, "I can't get this song out of my head"?


Kim in Oregon said...

Needles: probably not.
Close the stitches: definitely not (I never heard of it either)
Instacart/doordash: you are a nice person, but many of these drivers are trying to make a living-ish and probably understand that is part of the job. Meaning I would order a delivery as long as it was within the restaurant's delivery window myself.
Ostrich skin: did not know but I'm kind of squiggy about it now that I know it.
Microwave: probably not but I am unsure.
That last one? I'm pretty sure it's just you twinnie.

kmkat said...

Needles: I think that may be just you.
Close the stitches: nope, never heard that one.
Door Dash, etc., are not available here in the Great Frozen Tundra.
Ostrich skin upholstery: nope, but I remember when eelskin was a thing. I had a wallet and a purse.
Tear strips: the ones on cardboard boxes (frozen pizza, cereal, whatever) never, ever rip properly for more than the first inch or two.
Song: oops, I did a series of posts about my current earworms.

Snow in the South

The sound of snow is one of my very favorites.  On the spectrum's other end is the sound of snow melting.  You know, the water running d...