Today is Briton's birthday, so I made him
Eggplant Parmesan.
(And let me state for the record how I loathe dipping things in eggs to bread them, no matter how good the dipped things wind up being. [I'm looking at you, French toast.])
The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...
Yum! On the eggplant and the cookie. Happy birthday to my nephew!
If I had known, I would have been happy to be a taste tester on any of this ... I hope he has a wonderful birthday!
That is LOVE!!
I share your loathing, and times 10 (or even 20) when whatever it is is dipped in flour, then in egg, and THEN in bread crumbs and pretty soon my fingers are so gross... There's gotta be a better way, don't you think??
I happy you were ab1e to muster the energy to bake. You sure1y 1ove your children if you can pu11 yourse1f up to ce1ebrate with them. Being down is so tough. Hang in there . You are a great mom, person, b1ogger and fur mom
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