Monday, April 27, 2020

What It Was

Did you guess little bootie socks?
The roll-top always makes me happy.

Despite the craziness going on in parts of Georgia (including the county next door to this one), I'm still staying in.  If Tap and I take a walk of any length, I wear a mask.

How are things with you?  Staying safe and sane?


Kim in Oregon said...

Glad that you are taking this seriously. Stay safe!

kathy b said...

Oh Kim I love a roll top too! I hate the ribbing. Hmmmmm, I may have just been enticed by your post to knit the first sock in a very long time here.
I need your mailing address AGAIN! You can send it to huckmom on Rav please

Tiny Needle Wednesday

My  Stitchery  catalog arrived yesterday, and this piece made me chuckle: While I don't call myself a Mary Engelbreit fan as such, there...