Monday, April 27, 2020

What It Was

Did you guess little bootie socks?
The roll-top always makes me happy.

Despite the craziness going on in parts of Georgia (including the county next door to this one), I'm still staying in.  If Tap and I take a walk of any length, I wear a mask.

How are things with you?  Staying safe and sane?


Kim in Oregon said...

Glad that you are taking this seriously. Stay safe!

kathy b said...

Oh Kim I love a roll top too! I hate the ribbing. Hmmmmm, I may have just been enticed by your post to knit the first sock in a very long time here.
I need your mailing address AGAIN! You can send it to huckmom on Rav please

Snow in the South

The sound of snow is one of my very favorites.  On the spectrum's other end is the sound of snow melting.  You know, the water running d...