Sunday, April 30, 2017

There Is. . .

. . . a box here, which is gradually filling up with prizes for Knitters' Hunk and Knitters' Chick winners.  Finding prize treasures is such fun.

. . . a pair of boots that I would very much like to have, but it is prohibitively expensive:
Half-boots are scarcely ever a sell for me, but these are too pretty not to covet.

. . . nothing like having a Five Guys connection when you're a hungry puppy.

. . . no way the baby I showed you the other day has had time to grow into this gorgeous creature:

. . . a line of storms headed this way.  Not a problem;  I have knitting and books, and I made a grocery run today.

. . . someone right behind me, isn't there?


kathy b said...

You are influencing me! Now that I help with the horses, I am all about cowgirl boots. Halfs are the best for me and my fat Hungarian calves! Love those boots !!

Lorette said...

I love the boots, but love the fur baby photos best!

More Than Enough

So, you're watching something online, and it breaks for commercial, and next to the little countdown clock is the message "Send to ...