Monday, March 10, 2025


Still raining.  Still headache-y.  You know the drill.

I'm finding myself kind of bored with my current craft projects.  This leads, as all knitters know, to casting on FAR too many new things.  The same thing doesn't apply with cross-stitching, or even collaging.  Both of them mean too much clutter if you start more than one project --- at least that's the case with me.

I have turned to jigsaw puzzles to take up a wee bit of the slack.  A puzzle takes up the kitchen table, which blocks collaging entirely.  They've alleviated a bit of the boredom, at least so far.


Delighted Hands said...

Cleaning your crafting palate is a good idea!

Araignee said...

I've had a bad case of spring startitis this week which means a lot of chaos. For every win, I've had two fails so it's going just about as well as expected when I get this way.

Kim in Oregon said...

It's odd about what you noticed--I have never stopped in the middle of a collage and thought "i'll get back to that". I do have a few half-finished cross stitches though!


Still raining.  Still headache-y.  You know the drill. I'm finding myself kind of bored with my current craft projects.  This leads, as ...