Sunday, March 23, 2025

Chapters. Sunday.

It isn't what I had planned, but most of this afternoon was spent reading this:

I was straightening up in my bedroom, and sat down on the edge of the bed to thumb through this book.  Before I knew it, I was reading, and then I was at the end.  Breezy little chapters, fun and interesting, and another entry on my Goodreads page.

Hannah says Chopper is doing well --- "acting like nothing ever happened" was her exact phrase.  The vet was supposed to be back in touch with the results of the urinalysis, and word on whether she (Chopper) needed antibiotics.  I haven't heard anything, so maybe she's in the clear.

I am plum wore out.  Driving to, through and back from Atlanta is always draining.  Having to stay level when your daughter is FREAKING OUT and ALL OVER THE PLACE is draining.


Araignee said...

I slept the day away yesterday. I don't feel sick but I just feel worn out. Spring fever? I hope it's as simple as that.

Kim in Oregon said...

Here's hoping for calmness for us all.

Delighted Hands said...

My daughter and family live an hour north of Atlanta which is an 8 hour drive for us--how far to Atlanta for you?

Medical and Dental

Boot season is waning.  A rainy Monday morning's dental appointment made for an excellent chance to wear some, though.  Knee-high ones, ...