Monday, January 13, 2025

She Stays With Me

Madeleine came home today.  After I picked up her ashes (I have a hard time saying "cremains"), I sat in the funeral home parking lot and cried.  In all honesty, I have been on the verge of sobbing/throwing up/having a panic attack for many, many days. 

My appointment with my psychiatrist was this morning, and he was very understanding about Maddie, saying that the death of a pet can cause more heartbreak than a lot of people realize.  I do wonder if I've been carrying more sadness than I realized.  He suggested doubling up my antidepressant, so we'll see in a few days.


Kim in Oregon said...

I did the same thing when I picked up our first dog, Cody from the vet after he died. I just sat in the car and wept and wept and wept.

Bridget said...

I've also done the same. And even though it sucks, I'm always glad they are home again with all of us.

Delighted Hands said...

I can remember when my Grandma died, I hardly cried at all. Then when my kitten was killed a few months later, I completely fell apart. I was told you shouldn't try and hold back tears; they accumulate! Hugs to you.

Tiny Needle Wednesday

My  Stitchery  catalog arrived yesterday, and this piece made me chuckle: While I don't call myself a Mary Engelbreit fan as such, there...