Tuesday, January 7, 2025


 They're still moving a little.

A friend asked me to make some handwarmers for her daughter, and as I was looking through yarn, I came across lots of small skeins of worsted.  They're lots of different colors, and I decided to make a blind-draw scarf.  So far:

The tiny needles have churned out
Anyone else ever lived with a "Supernatural" fan? Or been one yourself?

I'm not sure what they know, but this piece spoke to me.  (Subversive Cross-Stitch, never change.)

A week without Madeleine.  Why, after all the pets we've had, has this hit me extra hard?  I'm supposed to pick up her ashes Friday.  That may help.  Or not.


Delighted Hands said...

The scarf is very pretty! I like the texture of the stitches!

Araignee said...

Such beautiful projects! That rooster is a hoot.

Posted Later Than Written

 No rain, no headache.  In fact, Tap and I just enjoyed an ice cream sandwich on the front porch.  It's a nice, sunny day. For TNT: If y...