Saturday, December 7, 2024

The Wisdom

I found this sticker the other day

and what it says saddened me.  We just sort of melt into words that people can lie with or rationalize with, or worse?

Then I rethought and found honest joy there.  If we are stories, we are remembered.  People have to have memories of us (good or bad) to weave into tales.  I tell Briton and Hannah stories about Dale all the time.  There are many, many stories about my parents stored in my brain.  Being a story is good --- it helps you last.

So, a toast to stories and storytellers.

See how I tied things together there?

This little daily guy has me a wee bit perplexed.  I don't know whether to backstitch around it.  You can tell by the date that red wouldn't work, there's no point in using white, and I think black would be too severe.  You can see it just fine like this, don't you think?

1 comment:

Delighted Hands said...

A bit of backstitch would give definition--maybe a light grey? I am ready to be a story....

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