Monday, November 4, 2024

Horses Save A Day

My ankle is coming along, I suppose.  I can walk in a fairly normal way for 10 to 15 feet.  The blue line disappeared, of course, and there is still redness and pain, but things are improving?  

Apparently, cellulitis does not call for elevating and icing, it calls for elevating and warm compression.  They both feel good, but I'm sticking with the warmth.  Thank goodness I have a Warmies horse wrap.


Delighted Hands said...

I'm glad your ankle is improving even if it is slowly doing so!!!! I know all about slow! The ankle heat wrap is adorable!

Kim in Oregon said...

Oh that is adorable!

Araignee said...

What a cute warmer! They do make some very interesting ones these days. I've been tempted many times when I get one of my headaches.

KSD said...

I actually bought this for headaches; "lucky" that it came in handy here.

Today We Enjoy...

...Christmas Eve!  My favorite day/night of the year.  Everything slows down, the world goes quiet, and we can follow Santa around the world...