Tender Is the Knee

My left knee has been a pain all day.  It keeps locking up on me, the kneecap sort of going where it wants to go, which means I have to sort of freeze wherever/however I am and try to work it back into place.  There's no pattern to the pain: sitting, going down stairs, going up stairs, just kind of standing around.  It's weird.  And painful. 

Thankfully, my lunch ameliorated some of that.  I present to you an example --- a perfect example, even --- of what I wrote about on August 14th.

A folded-like-a-taco potato chip.  Shaggy Tap in the back there looks interested, but he isn't a chips eater.  All the more for me.


Kim in Oregon said…
Knees, oooof. I hope it is better soon.
Araignee said…
Pup would have snatched that chip up. She knows what's good.
Sorry to hear about the knee. Before The Mister's knee replacement our walks were all about starting and stopping while he adjusted that naughty joint. Now I can't keep up with him.
Delighted Hands said…
I'm sorry to hear about the knee acting up! Sorry to predict some surgery might be in your future! I love chips.....

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