I Haven't Forgotten

There's still one Knitting Across America purchase to share.  Arizona:

Yeah, there are a lot of shawls in my future.

As far as my state choices go, well, I'm a Tennessean, so there's that.  Oregon is in honor of my twin (thank goodness I liked the patterns, huh?)  New Mexico and Arizona have long interested me, though I'm not exactly sure why.  I think a lot about taking a day trip to one or the other --- flying in, maybe just walking around in the airport until the return flight, so I can say I've been to Phoenix and/or Albuquerque.  Maybe sometime.


Araignee said…
The Arizona kit is beautiful! I have a thing for the Sonoran Desert after listening to a podcast that always began with that location identifier. It sounded so far away and mysterious.
Delighted Hands said…
The yarn is beautiful and so it the tote! I have been to all three of those places and enjoyed being there for longer than a day in each! lol
Kim in Oregon said…
You should fly into ABQ, rent a car, and drive across to Flagstaff and then down to Phoenix. You would love it.

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