Sunday, September 8, 2024

Everything, Everywhere, You Know the Rest. . .

Yep, Scattered Thought Day.

 Tap recognizes Briton's ring tone, and is always really active while I'm on the phone.  As soon as the call is over, he demands to go outside.  He runs down the sidewalk to the driveway, then the garage, looking for Briton and/or his car.  It's kind of sweet.

Football Thursday night, Friday night, yesterday, today, and tomorrow night.  My kind of Heaven.

Once it gets dark here lately, every time I take Tap out, there is at least one bright green frog on the porch or the front porch siding.  They vary in size, but they all make me squeeze my shoulders to the front and go all girly-squealy.  They join my dreaded anoles in that, though the lizards will usually skedaddle when they realize I'm there.  Night before last, though, dear reader, there was a snake.  A small snake, I grant you, (a teenager?) but a snake nonetheless.  

Tap either saw it or smelled it, and started heading its way.  I have never gotten that boy back in the house faster.

I've been to an emergency room, I've taken my children to emergency rooms, and not once did anyone check to see if our underwear was clean.  All those childhood warnings for nothing.


Kim in Oregon said...

Too much nature in that there post.

Araignee said...

I've got blue skinks running all over the place. They are even up on the deck now. One of my cats got a hold of one that came in under the door one time and boy, was that cat sick.