Thursday, September 26, 2024

Everyone's A Little Frantic

I suppose if I had hatches, I'd be battening them down now.  (Can hatches be battened up?)

Hatch-battening is another skill schools failed us on.  Life stuff, you know, like balancing your checkbook, picking locks, and wine pairings.

Anyway, it's supposed to get nasty here overnight.  A weatherman on The Weather Channel just said that if there are tall trees around your house, go to the west side the building.  The west side of this house is where most of the tall trees are!  The precise track of the storm keeps changing a little bit, but Athens is on the "dirty side" in all of them.

It's a miserable and an excellent time to be without a credit card.  I can't go to a grocery store, and they're surely packed anyway.  I can't Instacart or GrubHub, and they have to be slammed, too.  So, I'm just keeping my devices charged and watching it rain.  

1 comment:

kmkat said...

Good luck, and stay safe!