Tuesday, August 6, 2024

The State of Tiny Needes

Yeah, not gonna talk about the Girl with Rabbit this time.  Rather, another printed cross-stitch piece:

A dog/puppy bookmark, so big it could easily be used in a coffee table book. It's going relatively quickly.  These pre-printed ones provide relief from continually miscounting rows on blank fabric.  The last couple of pieces like that I've screwed up.


Kim in Oregon said...

Oh cute!

Delighted Hands said...

That is a very sweet bookmark!!! It will be a fun diversion!

Araignee said...

That is adorable! I've only made one bookmark before and I really enjoyed it. I've got a pattern sitting here to start another one but I need to clear up some things first.

Dog Day

There's an app out there called Weather Puppy, and this is the photo of the day: Meanwhile, my puppy is at my feet snoring away. I hope ...