Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Simulating Content

Y'all, I've been trying to come up with things to say, and I've repeatedly come up short. 

The Girl with Rabbit cross-stitch is chugging along.  I've finished the front and one sleeve of the Sierra Yarn sweater, plus the back is cast on.

I finished Elizabeth Keckley's book (it was splendid).  Keeping the White House theme going, I've just received this, and am anxious to start it.  I was/am a huge "West Wing" fan;  so many remarkable actors, sharp writing, scenes that can still make me cry.  Martin Sheen, you are genuinely adored in this house.  Adored.


Araignee said...

I'm also having a hard time coming up with blog content which is not like me. I seemed to have run out of steam on most of my projects. They all bore me. I just want to be lazy right now.
I've never seen The West Wing but I keep hearing good things about it. I see it's streaming on Max so I might just go have a look. Like my projects, all my series bore me right now too.

Kim in Oregon said...

I'm glad to hear I"m not alone! Do you have Netflix? If so, there's a series on there called Borgen which is Danish (with excellent dubbing) that is like the West Wing only with gentler Scandinavian characters.

kmkat said...

I used a Martin Sheen quote a couple weeks ago. I was working in the Dems tent at the county fair, and four teenage boys came in with the clear intent to ruffle some feathers. They weren't particularly hostile, just having fun poking the adults. "If a woman is getting raped she should just run away!" was one of their clearly well-thought out barbs, to which my colleague replied, "What about the two guys holding down her arms and the other two guys holding her legs?" No reply. They also had it in for gays "because it says in the Bible that a man should not lay down with another man." I remembered President Bartlett quoting some ridiculous thing from Leviticus about a prohibition that cloth should never be made from two different fibers, say wool and cotton. No reply. And on and on it went. Thank you, Pres. Bartlett!

Delighted Hands said...

Our energies ebb and flow; just go with it! You don't have to be brilliant every day all day! lol

Dog Day

There's an app out there called Weather Puppy, and this is the photo of the day: Meanwhile, my puppy is at my feet snoring away. I hope ...