Sunday, July 28, 2024

Picture in a Frame

So, how many of us were up framing cross-stitch pieces at 2:45 this morning?  Oh, just me?  Huh.

There's nothing fancy here, no matting or the like.  Rabbit:


Christmas door:

Even a Christmas ornament for good measure:

I did go back to sleep around 6, but have yet to meet this amount of production since.  I've said it before: I'm a night owl.  My energy kicks in around 10 PM.



Kim in Oregon said...

That's a lot of framing! Good jobs!

Araignee said...

What beautiful projects! They look great framed. I can't believe I was along for the ride. It would have taken me YEARS to finish just one of those-well maybe not the snowflake. I might have been able to do that in a weekend-maybe.

Delighted Hands said...

They look so pretty all framed--nice work for a night owl! lol

kmkat said...

If you were a nurse, you would have been perfect for the night shift -- 11-7. (Just like my husband) Sadly, that does not always fit with the rest of the world.But you used your nighttime hours very productively!


So, I found this bouncy little kit, and opened it to start with the outlining.  I have to tell you, I like it like that.  I'm not going ...