Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Card Game

As often happens, Twinnie inspires me.  She's been making collages on index cards for a while, and I dipped my toe back in by getting some of my postcards out.
Prompt: "Transportation."

Prompt: "Anger."

Prompt: "Smooth."

I like the overall of the ink and pens, but am proud of stretching out a bit for the "Anger" one.  The other one is sort of "meh."

On the subject of cards, do you know that there's a yarn tarot deck?  There are some nice ones.  I shall show you some in the coming days, beginning with this one:
I don't know if The World is a standard tarot card, but I like this one, because it has yarn and a lion.


Araignee said...

I can't wait to get back into my craft room. I am so inspired seeing all these brilliant little card projects. We have a tarot shop on the boardwalk that sells all kinds of mystical things. It's a beautiful little place right out of a Harry Potter movie.

Delighted Hands said...

Very fun--I like the pens one....I would love to pick one up and write a note!

Kim in Oregon said...

Love these! Small is great to get going again! Is that some Stamperia stuff I spy?


So, I found this bouncy little kit, and opened it to start with the outlining.  I have to tell you, I like it like that.  I'm not going ...