This is Where I Am Right Now

I am stuffing my face with ice cream and bagels.  Not together --- those are just the things that sound the best to me.  Pushing the chili and cornbread out of the way made room for other stuff, it would seem.

There are two cross-stitch and three knitting projects in front of me.  There is also the continuing diamond art coasters set in the kitchen.  Crafters gonna craft.


Araignee said…
I've been living on potato chips and Twizzlers ever since we started the downstairs re-do. They are my go to stress food when I'm overwhelmed and right now I am OVERWHELMED.
Delighted Hands said…
I'm a chips or chocolate kinda gal; it's hard to resist the temptation to gorge!
Kim in Oregon said…
Ice cream and bagels are two of the four major food groups! Put blueberries in the ice cream and bagels and you're up to three!

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