On Thursday You Finish Things

Another pair of houseshoes off the needles.  Bulky alpaca, not in the brick red of the photo, but a pretty burgundy.
Though this was not her pattern, there is no telling how many of these my mother made.  She always put pom-pom on hers.  They were Christmas presents, White Elephant gifts, charity donations --- you get the picture.

The first thing I ever knit was a vest, but these couldn't have been far behind.  Hold a couple of strands of worsted together, and off you go.


Araignee said…
I have to confess that I went over to Ravelry to try to figure out what they are. Slippers? Mittens? I didn't have any luck looking up Horseshoes and now my imagination has run wild...lol.
Kim in Oregon said…
The word 'horseshoes' has my imagination running wild too.
Delighted Hands said…
I've made them and worn some from my mom, too! A good comfort slipper!

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