For Whatever Reason..

... knitting the booties/socks has ignited a make houseshoes fire in me.  I got one pair done today.  This allows me to use up odd lengths of leftover yarn.  Usually, extra sock yarn has been used to make what I've always called "Frankensocks," but now it's going to, let's just say, interesting houseshoes.They're for me, I'm wearing them inside, they don't have to be all pretty.  (Though I imagine I'll make some non-odds-and-ends ones, too.)

... this man showed up in a dream I had this morning.

We were in a sort of Victorian-type house, skulking around trying to escape from someone.  Where's a dream dictionary when you need one?

... I'd been sort of craving chili and cornbread lately.  Took care of that yesterday with canned chili and cornbread "biscuits."  The heating element (coil?) in my oven has stopped working, so I'm having to do a lot of stuff in the toaster oven.  It will only hold small amounts of small things, so, improvisation.  Cornbread drop biscuits.  They were quite tasty.


Dee said…
Sooo, who IS the man in your dreams? I'm clueless.
Delighted Hands said…
The house shoes sounds interesting--pic, pls?
Dreams can be so convoluted, can't they?!
Araignee said…
AHhh....Viggo. When he's dressed as Aragorn he's in my dreams a lot too.
I haven't had a working oven in 5 years since my BRAND NEW fancy Frigidaire oven never worked. It smokes up the house every time we use it and we've tried burning it out many times to no avail. We had techs out many, many times but they refuse to refund or replace even though they say they can't fix it. I bought a small oven that fits inside the broken oven and just use that. For the two of us it works fine. I'll never buy Frigidaire again.
Kim in Oregon said…
They sound good (biscuits). Have no clue on dreams, but Google tells me that houses can portray ideas and you're escaping from the limitations of your existing ideas. Not sure what Viggo Mortensen has to do with that but maybe he'll lead you to the next good idea.
kmkat said…
I read "houseshoes" as "horseshoes" and was baffled all the way through the post. Slow down the reading Kat!

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