Monday, June 24, 2024


 Heat is making even thinking laborious right now.  Fortunately, my air conditioning is working and my favorite spot on the couch is under a ceiling fan.  (Another favored spot is on the back porch, also under a fan.)

I know that some people can't/don't like to knit in Summer.  That hasn't been an issue for me, mostly because of the aforementioned air movement devices.  Granted, the knitting is going way slowly, but it is going.

And look, the tiniest whisper of a feather today.  It's too hot to even molt, I guess.


Araignee said...

Fans make all the difference, don't they? We've got a ceiling fan in every room plus I have an oscillating one in the living area. I don't think we ever turn them off in the summer.

Delighted Hands said...

Thanks to A/C, I knit all year and in the car! I'm curious, what kind of bird did the feather come from, do you think?!

Kim in Oregon said...

The one thing I wish we had put in our house was a ceiling fan in our bedroom! Glad you have great places to knit!


So, I found this bouncy little kit, and opened it to start with the outlining.  I have to tell you, I like it like that.  I'm not going ...