Monday, May 6, 2024

What to Do, What to Do

A new hank of fingering weight from a new source,  Barnyard Knits.  You know I love a slub.*

It's too pretty to use for socks, which would be covered most of the time.  So I'm looking for something to make with it.  I'm leaning toward a wrap.

And Twinnie, yes we can do Christmas stuff now.  I bought more paper!

I especially like the pink and brown deer print on the right.

My gastroenterologist appointment is Thursday.  I'm unconcerned about what she may or may not find;  my biggest concern is possibly needing an MRI.  If I do, the machine better be as open as open can be.

*Not a schlub.  Different thing altogether.


Dee said...

I have a slubby yarn and I'm going to make a Sophie Scarf out of mine. I'm going to hold it with a fingering weight to give my scarf a little more "heft".

The color of yours is beautiful. That is one of my favorite yarn dyers.

Kim in Oregon said...

Love the yarn. Think about "one and done' by Casapinka. Drop stitches which will show off the slubs.

Araignee said...

What pretty skein! I don't think I've ever knit with slubby yarn that I have purchased but I sure do spin it unintentionally quite often.
I had to pack up all my pretty paper while we are re-doing the craft room and I can't tell you how many times I forget and go to get a piece. The fact that I can't get it is making me twitch.
And...thanks so much for the surprise package! Getting yarn in the mail is always such a treat.

Here's My Decision

 That slub yarn I posted?  I've decided what to do with it.  Thank you, Noro Magazine. I realize it's just a long loop of a scarf, b...