Two (Too) Cute

Looking through the Herrschners catalog, you remember they sell things other than yarn, and look what you find!

How cute is that?  I want to start it immediately, but need to get a little more work done on my daisy and ladybug.

Speaking of which, the ladybug is beginning to emerge:

Check back in Tuesday for an update on progress.  Or progresses.


Kim in Oregon said…
You must get the good Herschner's catalog. I get the one with half naked ladies riding horses in the moonlight cross stitch kits.
Araignee said…
I love that catalog. I haven't bought anything from them since the 80's but they still send me one.
Delighted Hands said…
I still get the catalog and order things from there I can't find anywhere else! The new bunny stitching is delightful!

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