So. . .

 Catch any interesting TV today, or. . .

Sitting on my couch, rather glued to my set all day gave me the time to finish up my socks/booties.

I also got my little Christmas cross-stitch piece finished, but will wait until Tuesday to unveil it.

Hannah's birthday is on the horizon, and I was clicking around on Etsy the other day trying to find some ideas.  Somehow, my clicking found me scrolling through yarn stores.

I placed a small order from a store called Comma Craft, and in my order was this little sticker.

I think this is fantastic.  Space, space travel, and planets have always fascinated me, and Saturn is especially spectacular, don't you think?  My "ruling planet" is Uranus, which is fine and good, but my heart has pretty much always belonged to Saturn.

What did I buy, you ask?  A little project bag.

What did I find for Hannah?  Um, er, nothing.  Yet.


Dee said…
Congrats on the sock finish. They look great.
Delighted Hands said…
Too funny--keep shopping for Hannah!
The socks turned out beautifully and the new project bag is very pretty! (so is the sticker!)
Araignee said…
I love the colors in those socks. That is a clever sticker. I'm a space fan too but the Star Wars/Dr. Who type. We used to have a telescope and we used to look through it but I swear I could never see anything. I can't see out of our binoculars either. It's apparently a skill I don't possess.

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