
A nice day in Athens, if you stay in the shade.  There's a really nice breeze, but it's rather warm in the sun.  When I take Tap out, I take a book to read, as it helps me not lose my patience when he takes forever to do whatever he's interested in.  We've both enjoyed the trips outside.

Today, this turned up in the side yard:

Um...  Huh?  Did these fly off a garbage truck?  Did a dissatisfied young swimmer fling them up here in some sort of fit?  Bridget offered underwater Rapture as an explanation, which appeals to me.

On subsequent walks, I found the first feather in a while
and the first gardenias is of the year.


Dee said…
The feather is beautiful.
Araignee said…
I love gardenias. My great grandmother had a planter on her glassed in front porch that had a big one in it. It smelled so good. I used to just sit out there and enjoy it whenever it bloomed. I've never been able to grow one and I've tried many times.
Delighted Hands said…
It's fun that the feather appeals to the eye and hands, the gardenia to your nose and the swim mask stimulated your mind---a good day outside, indeed!
Kim in Oregon said…
Beautiful finds (and odd finds too). Kid threw them out of a car window is my guess.
kmkat said…
Beautiful feather, and I am imagining I can smell the gardenia from here!

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