Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Oh My Goodness

 My daughter just sent me to the American Dream Nut Butter site. (She has always been able to discover THE coolest things.)  On a lark, I went through and put in all the flavors that sounded good into a cart.  Just price-checking, you know.


Am I alone in calculating how much yarn I could buy with that amount?  I probably am alone in figuring about how many pairs of cowboy boots.

Anyway, it's Tuesday and here's some cross-stitch.

It's to be a ladybug on a daisy.  Daisies are a thing for us.  I really, really like the shading and shapes of these stems so far.


Delighted Hands said...

Lol Yes, I say, "Do you know how much yarn that would buy?!" It's fun to imagine!

Very pretty stitching so far!

Araignee said...

Those are some lovely stems! My daughter sent The Mister $50 cupcakes for his birthday. Each one was half a bite. I'm amazed at how folks are able to sell such expensive extravagant things and stay in business. And yes...that would be a LOT of yarn.

Kim in Oregon said...

That is such a nice piece of stitching!

Here's My Decision

 That slub yarn I posted?  I've decided what to do with it.  Thank you, Noro Magazine. I realize it's just a long loop of a scarf, b...