Going Out

 Grocery day again, mainly because the pets were out of treats. Big mistake, as today is UGA Graduation and, it appears, Move Out from Wherever You've Been Living Day.  Still, this one day is the price we pay for glorious empty streets and parking lots all Summer. 

Lion Cookie Jar has been called into duty once again, though he seems kind of glum about it this time.

In the spirit of fairness, here is the lion behind Lion Cookie Jar, who permanently wears a bow.

Waiting at the appointment yesterday, I noticed that the sample of DMC I took for matching its color a while back was still tied to my keychain.  Others might have been embarrassed, but, dude, look at my keychain.  More trinkets than keys.

Yes, I'm 64 years old.


Kim in Oregon said…
LOL at the keychain!
Araignee said…
My key chain looks just like that. It keeps me from losing my keys which I have been known to do. I grew up in a college town and The Mister delivered mail there for 37 years so I know all about those pros and cons. You NEVER go to Ikea in the weeks before school starts.

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