(I thought I posted this yesterday.  Ooops.)

With great hesitation, I share the project begun last night.  Hesitation because, like the Boyfriend Sweater Curse, my Blog About Cross-stitch Curse is real.

On the knitting front, I just finished a beret.  Look how lovely the top is:
My big ol' head keeps it from being an exact beret on me.  The next one will need many extra rows to be truly beret-ish.  For me, at least.


Kim in Oregon said…
Love the beret color and the top!
Araignee said…
That is a pretty top to your beret! Your little tree is so sweet. I could use some Christmas cheer right now. I am no fan of summer. I'd like to skip it and go right to November.
Dee said…
The star top is lovely.
Delighted Hands said…
A very pretty top to your beret! The stitching is pretty, too.

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