Wednesday, April 3, 2024


Dear Twinnie  asked where I got the Lincoln casts.  The honest answer is, "I can't remember."  I collect life masks, and have bought them from all over.  Most are in storage now.  There's a wall in the dining room that was once pretty much covered with them, now only Redford, Hepburn and a life mask of Lincoln remain.  The 3-5 weeks I was into feng shui, I found out that that room was space for admiration/heroes, so the masks were hung there.  The Lincoln death mask and hands are on a den table.

This next story needs a bit of 'splaining.

Since starting to own books, where to put them has been an issue for me.  Without fail, the shelves, armoires and book chests get full.  In the past, I've posted pictures of books being kept on the staircase ---- there was nowhere else to put them.  The idea of invisible bookshelves has intrigued me, so I bought a couple to see what was up.

When Briton and Hannah were little, I painted a tree on a downstairs wall that we named "The Book Tree."*  It only had a trunk and branches, the idea being that as each of us finished a book, we would write its name on a construction paper leaf and put the leaf on the tree, aiming to fill the branches entirely.

Let me mention that Little Hannah thought the tree looked kind of empty and sad, and added this.

ANYway, we did almost fill it, but once all the leaves came down, the tree stood empty until it dawned on me that maybe I should try invisible shelves there.  So I did:

Right now, only my favoritest books have a place on the shelves, but I like the look, and the tree and I may have more to look at one day.

*We aren't always exciting.  We once had a 30 - 45 minute discussion about mayonnaises.

1 comment:

Araignee said...

Your book tree is very clever! My kids were all voracious readers when they were growing up and I've still got most of the books to prove it. I never think to ask them what they might be reading now. From time to time Middle Son sends me books that he thinks I would enjoy so I guess he's still at it.

Here's My Decision

 That slub yarn I posted?  I've decided what to do with it.  Thank you, Noro Magazine. I realize it's just a long loop of a scarf, b...