Well, Damn*

Today was to have been my "graduation day" --- my last visit to the oral surgeon to check the abutment and be released to my dentist for the crown.

", , ,was to have been. . ."

The abutment had come loose.  It had never (apparently) anchored.  

This sets everything back three months.  The abutment was removed, the site was rinsed with antiseptic, another bone graft was packed in, I was stitched up, and sent on my way.  I stopped at Bruster's on the way home and got myself some Graham Central Station ice cream.  What else is there to do?

The dentist kept apologizing, and at one point thanked me for having such a good attitude about it all.  What else is there to do?

*My favorite curse word, btw.


Kim in Oregon said…
Jaysus. That is something I was not expecting. Stupid abutment.

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