You Know Those Charts?

Those charts that line up the symptoms of things so that you can figure out what you have?  Evidently, I'm suffering from sinusflucoldfection.  A bit of everything.  I do know this is the worst I've felt yet.  Perhaps having had to stay busy all week kept things a little at bay, and now that everything's done my body said, "Okay.  I'm done."

I was supposed to go to Hannah's tomorrow to help her get ready for hosting Christmas, but, obviously, that's not happening.  Also, my pom-poms-instead-of-ribbons idea has been shelved.  When I do go see her, the plan is to take the gifts so the actual Christmas Day load will be lighter.  Probably not a good idea to have all those pom-poms at the eye level of her three cats.

ETA: It's now raining here.  I always feel extra sinus-y miserable with the onset of rain.


Kim in Oregon said…
I hear ya. I'm afraid to sit down because I think I'll never get up.

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