Regression and Advent

You might remember that about four years ago, Briton had a fainting episode out of the clear blue.  He spent one night in the hospital.  Well, today he fainted again --- at work.  Paramedics were called, he checked out straight down the line, but they would take him to the hospital if he wanted.  He decided to forego that, and called me to pick him up.  

When I got there, he had changed his mind, so we spent many hours at the hospital.  He was good, lucid, his color was good, he was chatty. . .  EKG excellent, blood sugar fine, blood pressure perfect.  The only thing they could find was that his magnesium level was low.  I treated him to a milkshake and took him home.  He was totally fine, so I didn't feel bad leaving him.  He's off for the next two days, so he can rest.  The whole thing is just so, so weird.

First day of my Book Lover's Advent Calendar.  Look how cute it is inside:

Today, gift tags.

Stay tuned for tomorrow's unwrapping and a health update.


Kim in Oregon said…
It's adorable.

In the 'small twinnie world' department--I just started taking magnesium supplements today. Magnesium is supposed to help you sleep better as you age. We'll see.

Does Briton have low blood pressure? My mom had low blood pressure and would faint in odd settings (e.g. grocery store check out line).
Kim in Oregon said…
Just saw you wrote that his bp was fine. Sorry.

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