Monday, November 13, 2023

Please Call It My Actors Run

I finished Sam Neill's memoir, and do recommend it.  You don't have to be a big fan to enjoy it, but it helps.  There are lots of wonderful stories, my favorite being how he recalled "going weak in the knees" upon seeing and meeting Emmylou Harris. 

Well, she is the Queen of All Things, you know.

I am now reading Laurence Olivier's autobiography, and finding it very charming and wickedly funny.  (He describes a drama instructor as being ". . .dark-haired, with some assistance.  .  .")  I am at the point where he meets Vivien Leigh.

There is an online clip of him being a guest on The Dick Cavett Show, and he agrees to recite a sonnet.  There's a practically breathless moment before he begins where you know the audience is thinking, "We're about to hear Olivier recite Shakespeare."

It's my actors run because next up is a biography of Gregory Peck.  Stay tuned.


Kim in Oregon said...

How I wish that I was at the age to be able to enjoy the Dick Cavett Show when it first aired.

kmkat said...

You can hear Olivier recite that Shakespeare sonnet on YouTube here: He starts at about the 5 minute mark.

So Predictable

The rain, my headache --- y'all know the drill. When I joined in a second ball of yarn to shape the armhole on my rectangles jacket, an ...