Friday, November 17, 2023

Oh, Look! I Learned New Stuff!

Knowledge is all around us.  So is bone-deep ignorance, but that's for another post.

I have taken up a new phrase to live along "As one does" and "Hold my mule while I shout."  Thank you, Lord Olivier, for " Like a fish in a refrigerator."  True, this may have narrower usage options than the other two, but it's too glorious not to hold onto.

Also, and I probably should have learned this during my son's acting career: "thespian" comes from the Greek poet Thespis.  (Which I may have to add to my list of favorite words.)  Thespis was the first to appear onstage not as himself, but as a character.

In addition, "morphine" got its name from the Greek God of Dreams, Morpheus.  My middle school Greek and Roman Mythology teacher Ms. Nicholson would be disappointed in me for not knowing these two, I'm sure.  Man, she was cool.  A wee bit intimidating, but cool through and through.


1 comment:

kmkat said...

Great sayings! I hope I can remember them when appropriate. And Morphine from Morpheus was a Jeopardy question this week!


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