Wednesday, November 8, 2023

I Have Stretching and Blocking Syndrome

I know Second Sock Syndrome is a thing in the knitting world, but I have Stretching and Blocking Syndrome.  I do not enjoy that part of finishing a project.  The green sweater I've been working on is done, but just sort of hanging out in pieces.  There's not going to be anything to putting it together, but both sides and both sleeves curled badly.  S & B is unavoidable.

My gait is much better, finally.  Any twinges of pain aren't bothering me any more than run of the mill stiffness.  Also on the medical page, I was supposed to be getting the crown implant put in on Friday, but am having to move the appointment to next week.  I'm not sure when yet, but it isn't day after tomorrow. 

1 comment:

kmkat said...

Glad to hear your walking doesn't cause (extra) pain. I have been teaching myself to walk normally -- no hunching over, taking normal sized steps, and slowing down a bit.

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