Tuesday, November 7, 2023

Hold My Mule While I Shout

This phrase entered my ears today, and my plan is to make frequent and liberal use of it.  Trying to get something going, you know?

As one does.

I hear these words in a church-y way.  Those of you who haven't spent much time in church, or more especially, Southern Church (and, yes, "church" must be capitalized here) may not hear them that way, which is fine.

Bless your heart.

When I was teaching, each day I would write a quote on the board.  One that I used often was "Words matter."  I believe that.  Whether casually said or written or more formally so, your choice of word can drastically alter what your audience hears or your readers read.  And the magic thing is, there are so many words!  You can shade, change, emphasize, explore. . .  Just never lose track of the fact that words matter.

I'll take my mule back now.

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