Just One Little Thing

 The Internet is functional now.  I have a big tabletop screen, though, and finding a new space for it (near an electrical outlet) is proving worrisome.  All the new cords on the new router ate up the spaces on the surge protector, so the screen has to find a new home.  A computer screen has thrown my den arrangement all askew.

I know --- First World Problem.

This week's Seek, Gather, Create requirements were seashells, mustard, stitching and the letter "M."

I stitched an "M" in mustard yellow for the plane's banner, knocking 3 out right away.  (The plane could easily have been the "mustard," too, though.)  Scattered some shells in the sand, and I was done.

This I did a couple of weeks ago, and kept forgetting to take a picture of it.

It's called "Ladies at Lunch."  I like it.


Dee said…
Ladies At Lunch is very 1920's looking.

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