G is for Ava

Stopping at G on my tour of the biography/autobiography alphabet.  This time, I'm reading two at once, both about the same person


I am such a fan of Ava Gardner.  In my own collection, I have three books about her.  One is a "standard" biography, one is an autobiography, and one is based on interviews with her.  I couldn't decide between the last two, so, both it is.

It's turned just a touch cooler this weekend.  Not a fully Fall feeling yet, but heading in that direction.

No special plans for tomorrow.  Growing up, this would have been the time of year to pack away Summer clothes, take them up to the attic, and bring down the Winter ones.  It was always fun because there was invariably several things that had been forgotten.  It was like getting an all-new wardrobe.


Kim in Oregon said…
Agree on the changing of the closet ritual--this morning I was thinking of how much can be donated. I am figuring if I haven't worn it more than once since we moved out here it can go.

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