These Are It(s)

This is the gap the world will see if I can't find my Essix.

I've asked Tap if he somehow got hold of it and has hidden it from me.  This is his answer:

Extreme side eye.

If he did hide it, he hid it well.  Minotaur-in-a-maze well.

This is my feather and fan scarf's beginning:
I false-started three times before this, trying to get the right width for the stitch count.  The thing about making a scarf with fingering yarn is you can play around a little, use a bit of the skein up, and still have plenty for a nice, long wrap.


wildmag said…
Did you look in your plant pots?? My friend found hers there.... Then again, she did have two cats...
Dee said…
Hope you find your Essix, but if not ............not SO bad a look.

The scarf is going to be beautiful! That yarn works perfectly with the pattern you chose.
Kim in Oregon said…
I really like the new scarf! Good luck with it.

I'm having flashbacks to retainers going into the roller thingee with lunch trays on it in junior high.

And as Dee said--it isn't that bad, honestly.
Bridget said…
Oh man. Nothing is worse than dental issues, except having a gap in the front. Ugh.

And I know that Feather and Fan is supposed to be the easiest pattern in the universe, yet I can never ever get it to work.

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