It's the Heat

 Another mid- to late afternoon rumbly, thundery storm, another blip-out of the power.  Tap is unhappy when that happens.  I'm not sure if it's the sudden plunge into darkness, or the beeps and clicks and whirs of things shutting down, then restarting.  He barks his "alert" bark, and, almost without fail, finds me and parks as close to me as he can get.

Seeding those storms, of course, is the blistering heat.  I went to the library today (I don't have an "E" biography already on hand), and the common areas there were without full air conditioning.  So many people use the library as a place to come in from the weather, and I'm afraid they weren't getting a lot of respite today. 

I hope you're comfortable wherever you are, and that you have a good week.


Dee said…
Not a good time to be without A/C.

We are supposed to get some rough weather tonight. So far it has only been sprinkles.
Kim in Oregon said…
Oh poor Tap. It's so hard when you see them not 'getting' what's going on, and it's hard to comfort them. Hopefully clearer skies and cooler temps are on their way.
kmkat said…
73º on Monday, 71º today. Heaven!

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